1) Hernia repair January 1/30/17
2) Spinal cerebellar ataxia slows Tony to a crawl
3) Gutted the goat herd and sold Spud the Buck 7/16
4) 2 Great Pyrenees come to live here
5) house doubles in size 2015 (contractor runs off with young woman)
6) garden eaten by rodents 2016
7) plant blackberries 2016
last but not least: Kalypso born to Kansas April 2015

Isolation living on a mountain with a man who has progressive neurological disease. What if he had a stroke? It would be no different, an emotional instability, discouragement. What are the choices we can make? I have come to the dream of my life so late, by the seat of my pants. Samuel Becket would say: I go on. This is the longest winter yet and last time I went out to rescue the sled I sunk in snow up to my knees. Tomorrow I am officially free of surgical restrictions and maybe I will go out and rescue the sled.
Too many ways to be too old:
for young horses
for being relevant in poetry
in word usage
for cute shoes
This is a strange place Tony and I started. I am the organizer, the planner, the daydreamer. Tony is the one who can exist in repetition. The horses pull Tony to the barn; they are his closest relationships. Kalypso is his princess. Kansas is the Queen and Beau ever gallant and handsome. Tony keeps walking for the horses. While we are on this land by ourselves we do not see how often Tony stumbles, how many times he falls. Here we are normal for us.
At 65, I went for my medicare wellness check and the ARNP said to pick up all the non-rubberized rugs...In the past year and a half I have smashed my head so hard I lost words (with my helmet on) and been trampled by a young horse two times.
So far, we do not give up.